January 01, 2018

CELEB Gets a Makeover, Adds to Vibrant Downtown

In mid-December, one of the two downtown buildings that house the Center for Entrepreneurship in Liberal Education at Beloit, commonly known as CELEB, was shrouded in heavy sheets of plastic.

The historic side-by-side structures are both undergoing a renovation and expansion that will include an elevator, new façade and windows, and restoration of the building’s third floor, which the center had not previously occupied. The work, funded by donors, is the second phase—the first involved the purchase of the buildings and basic renovations to the first and second floors. The work started in August and is expected to be completed this winter.

Over the fall semester and until CELEB officially reopens, students have had the opportunity to rub shoulders with other entrepreneurs. They’ve had access to a temporary location across the river at Irontek, the city of Beloit’s new co-working space for small businesses and entrepreneurs.

Also In This Issue

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    Remembering Eudora Shepherd

  • Students work to plant new plants at the site of a 250-year-old tree that fell during a spring storm.

    Many Hands, Quick Work

  • International Education Updates and Goals

  • Micheal Pugh’92, photographed in 1992, died in 2016 at 47. “Mike Pugh was elfin. He was magical, from another world,” Simon remembers. “He was more fitting in the ceramics lab or an Alaskan fishing boat than in a b Beloit college classroom, but he seemed to handle nearly anything.”

    A Selection of Student Portraits by Michael Simon


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